Have you ever thought about having your own Podcast?

A testimonial word from Mizzy:

When I first started doing a podcast, I wanted to find my voice and get over the fear of public speaking. I started with a colleague who assisted me by encouraging me to join her in doing social media lives. Our Lives would reach hundreds of women and entrepreneurs. We called it "AStyledLife" and we spoke on topics that were family based, the struggles of entrepreneurship and how we created our lifestyles as successful business owners. It was truly a great show and the feedback was great! Although I was nervous most of the time, having a colleague next to me helped me get out of my shell.

Creativity spun from it, I eventually went on solo to doing interview shows on Praise Talk Radio, a local radio station located in Austell, GA. I would interview small business owners who served the community. I even casted one live, interactive 2 hour informational session showcasing electromagnetic harms to the body. 

A local National Radio Host took me under his wings from there and taught me how to bring creativity and professionalism to my show. He was extremely instrumental in assisting with developing and formatting my shows. From there I began my journey on Blogtalk Radio and began establishing The MindzNBusiness Radio Show! 

You have to start somewhere and you have to allow yourself to grow! Looking back I can see a lot of things that I didn't know then that could have been better.. but I showed up and made the best out of what I knew. I started out as organic; fearful, not confident of my voice (looking for my voice) and inexperienced. I used what resources I had to begin. I leaned in for support from a colleague. I challenged myself by being a host on my own radio segment with a local radio station. I accepted mentorship and invested in my goals. I pushed myself even harder when I began The MindznBusiness Radio show offering multi shows 5 days out of the week. 

Currently, with more confidence, I host "The Mz3ntrepreneur Show" offered on several online streaming platforms. The show showcases entrepreneurs across the globe who offer services and products that enhance lives, educate and showcase success. 

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Where we started from......

View our previous shows from 2017